Getting Rid of Pet Odors in Carpets
I despise it when I walk into a house and my sensitive nose is greeted by the smell of a pet. You may not be able to smell it because you are accustomed to it, but your guests will, believe me! You should discover how to remove pet odour if you don't want your furry buddy to spend lonely nights outside your house. Because dogs and cats spend so much time laying and rolling on the floor, their body scents seep into the fibres, causing the problem. Not to mention the unpleasant odours associated with pet accidents! When it comes to pet accidents, the first thing you should do is deal with them as soon as possible. If your dog has peed on your carpet, clean it up as soon as possible. The quicker you get rid of the urine, the less damage it will do to your carpet. Stack paper towels and stand on them for a minute or so, making sure to get as much as possible off the carpet. Remove the discoloration with a carpet cleaner or stain removal solvent if you have one. Cleaning solutions...